Project > Lead generation

Test-and-learn campaigns for Michigan Auto Law

Using data insights about keyword cost, we created a campaign that increased conversions and decreased the average cost per click (CPC).

Michigan Auto Law, a personal injury firm, came to LaFleur for help optimizing their Google Ads account. They wanted to decrease cost per click (CPC) and increase conversions without stretching their budget.

Our team started by auditing their active campaigns to assess performance across keywords and ad groups. Before rushing into changes, our team focused on determining what was working.

However, our analysis did uncover some overspending on keywords, which ate into the budget without providing value. Other campaigns needed to be fully optimized, and conversion tracking issues made analyzing performance difficult.

We tested, analyzed, and iterated based on data insights to create ads that generated the best results. Our changes aimed to reduce unnecessary spending while attracting qualified traffic that is more likely to convert. This included creating expanded text and responsive search ads that generated profound growth for Michigan Auto Law.

In just one year, their firm saw a:

  • 126% increase in conversions
  • 46% decrease in CPC (cost per click)
  • 55% decrease in CPA (cost per acquisition)

Few agencies inherit an account with so much existing data and historical performance. This empowered our team to make smart decisions guided by data rather than relying solely on industry assumptions. Over time, the compounding impact of hundreds of minor tweaks dramatically improved efficiency.

Creative strategy Digital advertising Keyword analysis PPC


increase in conversions



decrease in CPC

(cost per click) year-over-year